For precise temperature control, Torrey Pines Scientific, Inc. has precisely what you need. All made in the USA.
Product Categories

The EchoTherm™ bench-top, solid-state chilling/heating incubators are reliable, accurate and easy to use. Peltier-based for both heating and chilling, the…

HPLC Column Ovens
Torrey Pines Scientific® offers reliable, Peltier-based chilling/heating HPLC column ovens with ranges from 4.0°C to 100.0°C and HPLC column heaters…

Digital Dry Baths Bench Top
Torrey Pines Scientific® offers many quality models of EchoTherm™ chilling/heating dry baths. The chilling/heating dry baths of choice for enzyme…

Dry Baths for Automation
Our compact dry baths for automation are designed specifically for robotic systems or remote operation in a controlled environmental chamber.…

Hot Plates & Stirrers
Torrey Pines Scientific Analog, Digital and Fully Programmable Hot Plates, Stirrers, and Stirring Hot Plates for Routine Lab Work or…

Wafer Bake Plates
The Torrey Pines Scientific WaferPlate™ Programmable Bake Plate is a fully programmable digital hot plate designed specifically for baking silicon…

At Torrey Pines Scientific we offer accessories for some of our products. Also, replacement or additional accessories are available for…

Extended Warranties
Extended warranty coverage limits unexpected repair bills and protects your new laboratory equipment purchase.